The STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL provides a wonderful opportunity for leadership in the Parish. The Council provides support for the ministries and assists them in providing ministry witnesses to the Parish and greater community. Father John Forbes has said “Stewardship involves Time, Talent, Treasure, Prayer, Service and Sharing. As parishioners become more aware of our baptismal responsibilities and God’s gifts to us, we want to reach out to others. Let us begin by asking God to help us dig deeper into our souls so that we understand where we stand in our responsibility to be a more involved Christian, to be closer to God, to deeply understand the psalmist “What return can I MAKE TO THE Lord, for all that the Lord has given to me?” (Psalm 116:12)
Serving on the Stewardship Council allows a parishioner to support the ministries by looking at the mission, scope and focus of the ministry. The time involved is 2 hours per month. Meetings are currently at 10:00 am, on the third Monday of the month. If you are interested, please contact [email protected] to discuss. Your interest will be given to Father Forbes who makes appointments to the Council.