The ministry works with parish staff and other ministries to host/coordinate receptions and parish celebrations, including the annual parish picnic. We also coordinate funeral receptions when requested by the family.
To maintain a clean and efficient kitchen for all parishioners using Founders Hall, a Kitchen Committee has been created. The committee has reorganized the kitchen & pantry closets. Kitchen paper towels are used often by parishioners and are now available in both pantries. The Parish purchases kitchen paper supplies (paper plates, plastic/paper cups, plastic utensils, coffee, and condiments, paper towels, table and beverage napkins, ice tea and lemonade mixes, disposable placemats, aluminum foil, saran wrap,, dish soap, food gloves) in bulk to save on frequent reimbursement requests. If a ministry wishes to request supplies or help, 24 hours advance notice is required. These supplies will be placed in a plastic tub in the storage closet well marked.
The ministries listed below use the Kitchen most frequently.
Women of Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus Coffee and Donuts Social
Faith and Fellowship Elphie Sale Coffee Time
Funeral Ministry OCIA Faith Formation
Sacred Heart Hospitality Events
Coffee and Donut Sunday: once a month Sunday between Masses
First Communion Reception: serving cake and punch for 250 People
Youth Confirmation Reception: beginning 2025
Youth FF Teachers Appreciation Brunch: Sunday morning May
Summer Children's VBS: July 5 days, Snacks daily and picnic at wrap-up
Spring or Fall Parish Picnic: Coordinate planning and purchase of items with the ministry(s) who sponsor event.
Fall FF Teacher orientation and BBQ: as per wishes of Dir. of Faith Formation
SH Funeral Ministry offers receptions for families and guests post-funeral Mass. Those which take place are served by the Funeral ministry. They are currently seeking additional disciples who wish to serve funeral receptions.