Dear Ladies, For years, Women of Sacred Heart has delivered Christmas gift bags to Catholics and others who live at the seven long-term care facilities that are assigned to our parish. The gift bags are comprised of donations by us as well as beautiful creations made by the Prayer Shawl Ministry. The Matthew 25 ministry delivers the gift bags in December. The list is posted below. Please bring the donations to the October 12 meeting. Volunteers will separate items and try to tailor bags according to the needs/interests of residents. If you aren’t able to attend the meeting, you can drop off your bag at Jeanne Ryan’s office in the parish offices. Also, if it is easier for you or if you would prefer, you can donate several of one or a couple of items rather than a variety of gifts. Lastly, if you aren’t able to shop, you can make a donation and a volunteer will happily shop for you. Your donations are always appreciated by the residents when they receive them in December. Be sure to keep them in your prayers throughout the year. Thanks very much for your support for this project. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Questions! E-mail Carol Meyer at [email protected] or call at 910-235-3962.
List of suggested items for Christmas gift bags for long-term care facilities
Word Search books – large print Adult coloring books and coloring pencils Sugar-free cookies and candies 2024 calendars Scarves for ladies Baseball caps for men Socks for men and women; also, socks with grippers Jewelry – necklaces and bracelets that you can put on without using a clasp Kleenex Chapstick or lipstick Nail polish Large emery boards Hand and body lotions Soap Shampoo Small Christmas tabletop decoration Christmas gift bags (medium-sized around 10” x 12” are best)