The Diocese of Raleigh opens a year of Diocesan-wide celebrations marking the upcoming 100th Anniversary of the Diocese in 2024. The day long event will be held at the Raleigh Convention Center. It will incorporate the Celebration of Holy Mass, and opportunities for the Sacrament of Penance, Adoration and speakers for both adults and youth. This celebration will take place on Saturday, October 21, 2023, from 8:30 AM and end with Holy Mass that begins at 5 PM. The Diocesan website, Diocese of Raleigh Eucharistic Congress, provides further information.
Sacred Heart is planning on providing bus transportation for youth (students grades 6 – 12) as well as adults. Priority for the limited bus seating will be given to Sacred Heart Ministry members and students from EDGE and StAY CATHOLIC.
To sign up:
For the youth track, the diocese requires that students be registered by a parish designated chaperone. Our parish designated chaperone is Erica Davis. To register your youth or volunteer to chaperone for this event, please email Erica ([email protected]) the student first and last name, as well as a parent phone number and parent email address by SEPTEMBER 15, 2023. She can also be reached at 636-262-3708. Students will be assigned to a SET trained chaperone in groups of seven per Diocesan requirement. If you would like to chaperone and are not SET trained, please contact Deacon Guy Berry as soon as possible to receive SET training. Once youth and chaperones are registered, you will automatically have a seat on the bus.