Dear Ladies, Last year, through donations from our membership, we were able to assemble Christmas gift bags for nearly 80 residents of the seven long-term care facilities assigned to our parish. Gift bags were given to all Catholics. The remainder of the bags were divided among the nursing homes so that, at their discretion, social workers could give gift bags to those residents who might otherwise not get a gift for Christmas. We would like to match the number of gift bags that we had last year, but to date, we have not received enough donations to meet that goal. The past month was extremely busy with the Elphie Sale and other events. I am resending the list of suggested items in the hope that those who have not yet donated some items will be able to do so now. You can bring the items to the November meeting or drop them off to Jeanne Ryan in the parish offices. If you are unable to shop, please consider making a monetary donation. Remember: if it is easier for you or if you would prefer, you can donate several of one or a couple of items rather than a variety of gifts. Suggested items for donation:` Word Search books – large print Adult coloring books and coloring pencils Sugar-free cookies and candies 2023 calendars Scarves for ladies Baseball caps for men Socks for men and women; also, socks with grippers Jewelry – necklaces and bracelets that you can put on without using a clasp Kleenex Chapstick or lipstick Nail polish Hand and body lotions Soap Shampoo Small Christmas tabletop decoration Large emery boards Christmas gift bags (10”x12” preferably) Questions! E-mail Carol Meyer at [email protected] or call at 910-235-3962.