An Invitation to All Women of the Parish from Women of Sacred Heart. You are Cordially Invited to attend the opening program year event for Women of Sacred Heart. On Thursday, September 8, all women of the parish and their guests are invitedto Mass at 10:00 a.m. celebrated by Father John Forbes followed by the President’s Tea in Founders Hall. Come and meet our President, Nancy Heilman, and hear of the exciting plans for the upcoming year. In addition, there will be information presented concerning the Faith Formation Programs available in our Sacred Heart Parish. The President’s Tea will follow the meeting. Members whose last names begin with letters A through P are asked to bring dainty tea sandwiches, salads, or fruit/vegetable plates. Members whose last names begin with Q through Z are asked to bring desserts. Coffee and tea will be available. Dues are $15.00 per year and may be paid at this meeting. Come and bring a friend! We look forward to seeing you and beginning our new program year for Women of Sacred Heart. Women of Sacred Heart is Open to ALL women of the parish 18 and over. Visit the webpage at hhttps//