ADULT FAITH FORMATION SURVEY: You may recall Embers; Adult Faith Formation Planning Group conducted a survey in January. The purpose of the Survey was to ask Parishioners their preferences and needs to increase Faith Formation activities in the Parish. Results were as follows: Survey sent to 1200 households; 230 responses received. Responders were 68.93% female and 31.07% male. 12.% currently involved in Adult Formation, 87% were not involved. Preferred methods to learn about the Faith: in person, in church, access to printed materials about the Faith. Least preferred were virtual meetings and small groups in parishioners’ homes. Topics that appealed to parishioners: Parish Mission, speaker series 46%, Bible studies 39%, parish social activities and availability of liturgical resources ranked 3rd and 4th. 43% of those responding stated they had used the Advent and Christmas resources that were available in the bulletin. Father Forbes is grateful to those who participated and has begun the process of having a late October, early November Parish Mission. Continued input from parishioners can be sent to [email protected].